Employee Spotlight

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Meet Jack Zhao

For our August Employee Spotlight, Jack was nominated and will be highlighted in today’s interview:

Marketing: Hi Jack, congratulations on being August’s employee of the month! We’re just going to ask you some questions so the people out there can get to know you better.

Jack: Hello! I’m honored to be nominated this month and I’m 100% ready for this, let’s go.

Marketing: To start we’ll begin with the basics, can you tell us about your education and background?

Jack: I graduated from Shenyang University of Chemical Technology with a Bachelor’s in Computer Science and Technology. I’ve been working on software development and design for over 10 years now.

Marketing: That’s awesome, how long have you been with EveryIT? Can you tell us more about your role with BCI?

Jack: I’ve been with the company for about 11 years, and currently a Full Stack Senior Software Engineer. I’m also leading the Development team in Beijing to design and implement BeyondLearning.

Marketing: We’ve finally found out one of the brains behind BeyondLearning! What would your coworkers say is your greatest strength?

Jack: I would think my coworkers would say patience. When things are in a rough patch, I’m always able to keep my composure and be patient.

Marketing: In your role being a patient person is a valuable trait to have. Okay, enough work questions. What is one movie you can always watch?

Jack: This is a tough one but I would say, Forest Gump, as it’s an all-time classic.

Marketing: Who doesn’t love that movie, we would have to agree with you there. If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Jack: I’d like to get off the world! I’d like to head to outer space and take a look from the earth from there.

Marketing: That sounds like a dream trip we’d all like to go on. What’s your favorite takeout food or restaurant?

Jack: My favorite takeout food would have to be Chinese, as Chinese dumplings are the best.

Marketing: We can’t disagree with you there. Now imagine having all the money in the world, what would you buy?

Jack: This hasn’t been invented yet but I’d buy a time machine.

Marketing: Well, that is quite the buy and we’ll never know when it’ll appear but we’ll keep you in the loop. Here’s our last question, what is one thing you cannot resist?

Jack: I’d say playing basketball when I can when I was younger I used to play a lot.

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